This is the first time that Justin has a high fever ever since he was born. Count it a blessing a what.
But i must say, i was really a bit at a loss at what to do last night.
He was still looking fine on monday night, except that for the past few days, he has not been drinking much of his milk, and appetite has dropped. So i already suspected something amiss. Add to the fact that my mother in law suddenly caught a severe flu on monday (and she was taking care of Justin the whole of monday), i think somehow, he caught the flu virus in a way.
By tuesday afternoon, i think the fever won the battle. And by the time i came back from work, his forehead was hot, but both hands and feet were freezing cold. And when i changed him, we noticed that his body was starting to have red patches. So we knew it was not just the low grade fever anymore.
We rushed over to the PD, and actually when we reached there, PD was already closed cos he was rushing to the hospital. I told the nurse that Justin was having fever and he even vomitted on the car on the way, and he has not taken milk for the whole day. Thank God, the PD heard and decided to just see Justin before he take off. Heng man..
He took his temperature and it was 39.3 degrees celsius!!! When we took his temperature at home, it was only 37.8. Think the thermometer can throw away liaoz.
So he gave the repository pill that is supposed to be stuck into the anus, to bring down the fever quickly and prescribed him some medication. Due for review on thursday night.
I was really expecting a tough night ahead. But i really thank God for a good kid. Other than the initial part when we tried to put the cooling plaster on his forehead, which only stayed there for ehm.. 30seconds before he tore it off, and another 1 hour to put him to bed, he only woke up once during the night and the next feed at 6am, when his fever went up again. After giving him medication and a bottle of milk, pat him for another hour before he went off to lala land for another 2 hours.
Just as i expected, the whole morning, he was super whiny and sticky. Even his favourite ball ball never interest him. Haiz.
Next few days going to be a tough period for me. year end closing and all the datelines coming up. God, i pray for strength and speedy recovery for Justin!!!