

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A tiring week so far

Past few days been super tiring.... did not manage to sleep well, both in the afternoon and at night. Baby been fussing a lot these few days. we suspect that it is most likely that he is colicky because he is showing all the symptoms... Things get worse especially from evening on wards.. and at night... after his feed 4am, it will be difficult to put him back to sleep....

last night.... i was so tired while feeding him that both of us fell asleep for an hour with him in my arms... until he suddenly let out a wail!! I literally jumped out of my sleep and got to pacify him until 6am. Then after 1 hr, he started crying again.... sigh....

Today the whole day, baby been fussing and refuse to sleep, even after his bath and feeding..... each sleeping session probably only lasted 1hr (or max of 1.5hr) after a good whole 1 hour of attempt to put him to lala land. My poor boy... he is so tired.. but i think he is so uncomfortable that he cannot have a good sleep.

So since he cannot sleep, i entertained him and snapped away happily...

And finally he fell asleep....

notice he know how to cuddle his pillow!! =p

and finally Daddy is home to take over the duty to make him sleep...

1 comment:

Isaiah Kuan said...

reading your blog really reminds me when i took care of joey when she was still a baby...sleeping with her in my arms. classic!