

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Nature walk

Given that Baby Justin has ample of energy almost all the time that he is awake, we always try to think where can we bring him during the weekend, to let him expend all his energy, and of cos, at the same time, be able to learn new things through natural experience.

A friend recommended us to go to Botanic Garden because there is ample space over there for kids to run about. At the same time, the greenery and fresh air are good for all and it definitely makes a great place for photo taking with the natural lighting.

So 2 weeks ago, since Justin was recovering from a week of flu and fever, we decided to bring him out to the Botanic Garden for some fresh air.


The sun was scorching hot that day.. but when we arrive, we saw lots of people busking in the sun. People were having picnic, children were running about having fun, adults were relaxing on the grass, chatting and fellowshipping. Some are busy taking photos of nature.

See the happy boy!!



Very hard to get him to stay still for a photo, because he is ready to charge off any time!!


I love greenery.. always give me serenity and peace.






After 45 minutes, we could not stand the heat anymore.

Decide to make a u-turn back.

But apparently, Baby Justin loves the grass!!! Here is the beginning! of actions… Smile with tongue out 



A mother came over and gave us the star wand and a bottle of bubbles cos they were celebrating birthday for their princess earlier on, and these were leftover party flavours.


I love the smiles!! Yes, i am biased. Smile with tongue out



After a good 1.5 hours of workout and fun, we all went back and had a good nap!

Looking forward to the next outing at BG! Open-mouthed smile

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