

Thursday, October 8, 2009

mixed feelings at week 32

Its week 32 ... which means technically, in 8 weeks or less.... Baby going to see us liaoz!!!! Time really flies! Maybe its because I have been so busy for the last 8 months, somehow, I just feel that my pregnancy flew past me , just like that.

Gosh!!!! I am all excited, anxious, happy and stressed all at the same time. Seems like there are still 1001 things that I have not yet done and I am starting to feel uncertain whether am I ready for the new lifestyle. Many people been asking me whether am I ready. Frankly speaking, i don't know the answer to that question. Mentally probably a yes, but i think emotionally, probably only a 50-50 bah.

I think if I list down the things that I want to do in the next 8 weeks, I probably will scare myself even more. So I decided I shall not do so now. Just make sure I fulfill the critical missions and off I will be gone for my maternity! =))

And today, my girlfriend told me she is 4 months preggie!!! Woot!! so happy for her. Second kid for her. But she is one hot mama. Totally don't look like someone who has given birth before, if u know what I mean lah. But am really happy for her.... means one more kiddo to our girlie group!!


1 comment:

Mummy Kless said...

We will meet boy boy very soon!!!!!! woooopppeeee!!!