And I am happy to declare that I am reaching the tail end of the confinement month!! As of today, it is day 26. Officially, it will be over by this Saturday, which is the Day 30, although i will still need to observe some of the confinement rules for another 10 days to ensure that I adhere to the full 40 days of confinement.
One of the toughest rule that i need to keep is the bathing part. Strictly speaking, i am not supposed to bath everyday. But given this horribly hot and humid weather, it is totally crazy not to bath everyday!!! If i have a choice, I will even choose to bath twice or thrice a day!! Thankfully, there is the herb that i can boil for bathing and the only thing that i give in is to at least wash my hair on alternate days instead of daily.
Not being able to go out freely to places during the confinement month is also the other painful process. The idea is for the mother to rest as much as possible during the confinement month. Seriously, I think its easy to handle with 1 baby, but with 2, its really difficult to rest as much. Thankfully, this time round, Joash is a much easier baby to handle, up to this point of time. So at least at night, i do get a few hours of good sleep, unlike the first time when I just had Justin, where i literally stay awake the whole night for the first month and only slept during the day.
I guess the one thing that I really enjoy of the confinement is the confinement food! yummy! call me crazy or what….. though after every meal i will be perspiring like crazy…. thanks to the rice wine, sesame oil and lots of ginger in every dish. But i guess this is one part of the confinement that I will always miss. <3
Whatever it is, i am glad i am glad that in another 4 more days, i will get back my freedom!!! Woohoo!!
Ending off this entry with a picture of the little one at 25 days old! :-)
so fast confinement over le. haha can't wait to get back and see Joash and everyone else!!
looking forward to meet you and Jy back in SG too!!! Less than 2 months to go!!
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