

Monday, October 18, 2010

The thing about love

The thing about loving someone, means to give them a surprise when they least expect it.

And i have a few lovely surprises from my love ones over the weekend.

Surprise # 1: Although my dear hubby has been complaining about my iphone and kept bugging me to change my phone, i told him i will wait till my contract with Singtel is up and ready to recontract, which is at Dec 2011. So last friday night, after i have put baby justin to bed after a long day, i was presented with a huge surprise, which i nearly died.

So duber happy!! And my 老公 actually signed a new line just to get this phone for me. :-)

Surprise (2): The 刚 celebrated my bday on sat, started with a pedi session followed by a sumptious dinner @ egg3 cafe. Photos to follow later. But what surprised me most was the personalised gifts from them, on top of the group gift. They each personalised a gift of 30 lines.



Surprise #3: The cg celebrated my birthday last friday and I was very touched by their individual birthday speeches. These are the sheeps that God has placed in my hands and I always feel that I have a personal responsibility to each and every single one of them. And I am once again, amazed by their generosity once again, when i opened up the gift and saw the amount of the vouchers that they bought for me. Thanks my dears, every single one of you who contributed to my gift. =))

So now, together with the gang's gift, i have enough to buy a pair of jeans and a nice tee! :D

Thank you all for your love!! :D :D:D :D

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