Time really flies. in the blink of an eye, my little Justin is already 6 months' old!
After learning how to turn on his side at 4.5 months, it is no longer safe to leave him alone at any place, especially on my bed. Because in the split of seconds, you will find him at the furthest end of the bed.
At other times, he will simply push himself up and be in the push up position.. just like this...
The ever captivating smile! =)
Since he does not really fancy milk, we decided to let him try out ceral even before he turn 6 months. And he is enjoying it!
See.... he is trying to read the contents on the box.. hahaha.... ever- curious boy..
Many people say, once babies reach a milestone in their development, they will grow exceptionally fast, esp the period between 6-18 months. Because this is the time that they pick up all the motor skills and language and many other skills and development.
So I am really looking forward to the next few months... and I want to record down as much as I can on every step of his growth...so that I can enjoy the process of him growing up. I want to ensure that I witness and record down every important milestone of his growing up years. =)
Baby, I love you.