

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Strong lungs he got

One thing for sure.. Baby Justin has a strong lung power.... when he cries, he really cries.....or maybe, cry is too generic a word.. i should say... ROAR!!!! Already a few occassions where he cries so hard, that his whole face turn so red and his voice became hoarse for at least over the next 24 hours(no exaggeration.. tested, proven and repeated! -,-)

So a good time to catch him in pictures, is after he finish his milk and bath... just like today, he was self-entertaining for a good whole 1 hour on my bed, glaring around and fiddling with his little hands....

(strike a stylo milo pose... kekekkee!!!!)


laimeng said...

i think he aspire to be a traffic marshall next time with that pose. AHHAHA

Anonymous said...

I realised justin have a lot of nice nice clothes! He is always photographed with pretty clothes on! Handsome boy! :)